Who We Support
Dr. Donelle Laughlin and Dr. Tricia Markusen are very passionate about giving back to various organizations in order to help make a difference in the lives of others. Below are a few organizations that receive our consistent support.

UCLA Medical School
As both Dr. Laughlin and Dr. Markusen completed their residency programs at the University of California: Los Angeles Medical School, they have continued to give back to the program that paved the way to their lives now.
UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine is ranked one of the best medical programs in the world. Constituting more than 2,000 full-time faculty members, nearly 13,000 residents, and over 800 medical students and Ph.D. candidates, this center advances research and provides top quality patient care in cancer, neuroscience, immunology, metabolism, cardiovascular, regenerative medicine, medical education, precision health, and biomedical graduate medicine programs.
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UC Davis Equestrian Team
The University of California: Davis just began its equestrian team in 2019. Through this Division 1 program, student athletes from all over the world are given the opportunity to compete and ride against other universities in the United States for their school. Providing scholarships, meeting team needs, and creating invaluable student athlete responsibility and education, UC Davis Equestrian is another one of our valued organizations we give back to. Click here to learn more.
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UC Davis Livestock Judging Team
The University of California: Davis Livestock Judging Team is a program run through UC Davis Animal Science program and provides students with the opportunity for hands on experience of various livestock and horses both locally and nationally. As their activities run soley off of money donated, all donations allow the team to travel to both regional and national competitions and provide for new programs, critical projects, and special events. Click here to learn more. (scroll down to Livestock JT)
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